Today we talked about Christ washing the feet of his disciples. Has anyone taken the time to take care of you like that? Have you done something that selfless for another? How would your friends react if they came over for dinner and you tried to wash their feet first? It might not make as much sense today as it did when it was a necessity. How can we humble ourselves today to convey the same message?
Think of how your feet feel at the end of a very long day. Wouldn't it feel good to have someone do something to make them feel better? Or how about when you don't feel well, what if a neighbor had noticed and brought you some homemade chicken soup to make you feel better? Think of the things that would restore your desire to be generous with your time and energy. Being a servant is contagious. One good deed creates another. Take notice of that person at work that you pass but never take the time to talk to. Allow someone else to take the place that should be yours. Offer an ear to listen. Quietly without attention, offer yourself as a servant to another. It is what we do when no one is looking that matters. The only audience we need is God. You can't hide what is in your heart. May God bless you in countless ways. Be the one that is among His presence at all times. Let His design unfold and allow Him to mold you into His image even more than you already are. ( Picture is from cpt.org)
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