For some reason I am wide awake at 2:44am. I have been tossing and turning, wondering why I can't get back to sleep. Then I realized that there are people that I said that I would pray for and didn't. I didn't make time for the Lord today. So... here is a small thank you to everyone in FL that has been commenting and writing. You are all great testaments to God's glory. My heart has been touched by your writings. I also want to say thank you to my family and friends. Over the last two years they have really helped our little family with all of our trials and sorrows. I want to lift up those who do not know the Lord yet. May God soften their hearts to hear His word. I am truly blessed with all the amazing people who have touched my life in so many different ways.
By His Grace
I want to use this space to connect with other Christians and spark that fire again that I felt when I fist fell in love with the Lord. I also hope that it speaks to those who do not have the Lord yet.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Monday, November 28, 2005

What can I say except... I am truly blessed!! These are my beautiful children. Our Thanksgiving with my family was a little stressful. There were tears and frustrations with other family members. Then in the middle of everything falling apart, my daughter, Sidney, gave me a hug and a kiss and everything was better. My son, Justin, and I played a flash card game that had famous places around the world. God has really blessed my children with some amazing talents, but among them the most amazing, is there ability to sense when others need encouragement. They act quickly and they are always willing to pray for those who need it. What more could a mother ask for. If I never had anything else in my life, I would be content with just my children. God, thank you for allowing me to have these precious creatures in my life. Please help me to raise them in your image and to give them back to you everyday. I am overwhelmed with the wealth that you have given me.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Well, yet again I am stuck on patience. I keep trying to take things into my own hands. God is all knowing and there is a specific direction for me. Sometimes I am just afraid that I am not listening to what the Holy Spirit is putting on my heart and that I am going to make the wrong choice. Then I stop and remind myself that, it is at that exact moment that I need to open my bible and look for the answers. If I am faithful He will lead me to the right answers. When God is what we are living for, everything else just falls into place according to His will.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Even Christians can feel overwhelmed. Frustrated with their circumstances. It is how we act when that happens that sets us apart. When we feel alone, do we seek out the Lord? Does our heart reside with Christ? Do we call on Him when we are weak? Or, do we let the burdens weigh us down? I guess I am just trying to talk myself through one of those patches tonight. Nothing but His grace will calm these frustrations. If I were to dig into the Word and seek His presence, all the worldly concerns would melt away. For what are the things of this world? They cannot overcome me, for I have the Lord in my life.
Monday, November 21, 2005
The Lord has put a few things on my heart lately and I just want to express them. I am still overwhelmed at how He truly has our lives planned for us. Each small detour we encounter is another stitch in the fabric of our lives. I have always been a creative person. Writing, painting or music. I have been wanting to do something creative to express my faith and I think that He is giving me a chance to make that happen. I have learned about my spiritual gifts and soon I will be learning how to minister the way that God wants me to, and it is all coming together. My creativity is one of my waiting gifts, something that is there, but not being put to use yet. I have some ideas of how to combine a lot of these things in order to minister to others like me. People who have been in the desert for so long and are just waiting to see that glimpse of something more. It might take a long time for it to come together, but I am really excited. The link is for a group that comes to our church a few times a year and they are amazing. I am always moved and inspired by them. They are part of the inspiration that is leading me in this new direction. I can't dance, but what I am hoping to do is kind of a Christian Performance Art piece. I have always been interested in creating something that will effect several senses at the same time. If you could keep me in your prayers I would appreciate it. I want to hear what the Lord wants and I want to keep on the right path. Thank you. All my prayers.
Saturday, November 19, 2005

Before the earth wakes and life is thrusted upon you. It is in those first moments of the day when you can feel that quiet peace. On the days that I wake up and have the Lord as my first thought, nothing can overcome me. When I jump head first into the world without Him, I am lost. How different it is now. With the Lord as my focus and his word to sustain me, I am whole. Before I reaffirmed my faith in Christ I felt so empty. All my mistakes seemed to weigh me down. Now there is nothing to be held over me. I have been washed by His blood and my heart is filled with the Holy Spirit. I have found a peace that can carry me through the trials. His grace is what delivered me from the depths. To Him I owe everything.