Friday, August 25, 2006

Over the years I have come to learn that despite my constant pursuit of what I want to be or who I think that I am , Christ always interjects and corrects me. I have not allowed myself to be that pliable clay. To allow the potters hands to shape and mold my life. We trust universities to teach us, for doctors to tell us what medications to take when we are ill, yet we are not willing to allow the creator of all things to guide us to all that we should be. It is amazing how much time we waste focused on the world around us. Finding that balance between having to live here and not being a part of this world. What a wonderful thing to strive for. To do God's work while still being in this sinful world. We will fall for sure, but we will do it with God's strength and that will shine above all else.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Overwhelming desire for His love. Passionate to spread His holy name. Praise God who has given us this blessing of life. My spirit is renewed and overflowing. There truly no words to express what is being done in my heart today. Just the thought of being part of something so much bigger than any small plans I could have for my life. I am in awe. Speechless. Lord, renew my strength, allow me to not fear your plans for me. Give me direction and purpose to the stirring in my heart. Open me to the Holy Spirit and your voice. May my actions be only to forward your kingdom. Use me to be contagious and fruitful with your words. Take all that I am away, empty me and fill me with only your image. Glory be to the One that allows us to reach for the heavens.