I have been learning about other cultures and their art forms this week. I have been learning about architecture, painting, literature, philosophy and music. For my class I have to create a virtual museum of different pieces that I am learning about. I just picked some Persian poetry. His name is Rumi and I find his work very fascinating. Most of what he has written is focused on God. Now the approach is based on the Islamic faith and not Christianity but there are Truths there. You have to dig but you can find God's fingerprints among the words. Here are a few lines that are in a journal that a friend gave me a few years ago. " Be empty of worrying. Think of who created thought." " Why do you stay in prison when the door is so wide open?" Now, I know that Rumi did not believe the things that I believe about Jesus and his ways were different. However, if we talked to someone that shares his beliefs today, would we be able to dig out the Truths and show them God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit like Paul did for others? Is is God working through us that enables someone with different beliefs to see Him? I think that He leads us and gives us the words needed to show His glory, when He wants us to. God is engraved on our hearts, ALL OF US. Not just Christians. It is about planting the seeds in the lost so that God can place others in their path to water the seeds and to help sew them. God is ultimately the one who makes it happen. He just wants us to remind others that it is there, even if they do not believe. It is engraved.
By His Grace
I want to use this space to connect with other Christians and spark that fire again that I felt when I fist fell in love with the Lord. I also hope that it speaks to those who do not have the Lord yet.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Ephesians 1,2,3
We are blessed, chosen, predestined, adopted as sons and daughters, redeemed, forgiven, lavished upon, included, marked, alive in Christ, saved, raised up, seated with, God's workmanship, created, brought near, fellow citizens with God's people, being built together
* Just as Satan tempted Christ, he also tempts us.
* He attacked the identity of Christ
* He attacks our identity
* We were created in the image of God
* Through attacking our identity, he is also attacking Christ
These attributes can not be earned, they have been given to us. Temptation starts when we begin to doubt who we are. We are sons and daughters of God. Satan will never stop attacking us. We just need to be better prepared with solid armor against him.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
I have turned a few corners in the last few months. I think some of my friends and family think that I am a little crazy, but it feels good to let go of "things". They are not what defines me. God defines me. I can always buy more things. I can't just reclaim my life when it is over. I used to be so intent on developing my personality and who I thought that I was. Until I let go of that picture, I will not be able to truly focus on who God wants me to be. I want His characteristics to shine through me. My desires only cloud that. I shared a little of what I was doing with a co-worker and she asked me if I wanted to be a monk..haha. We are slaves to the things around us. I have found it hard to put certain items in the boxes. Something as simple as a piece of pottery that a girlfriend had made for me for a birthday, I am finding it hard to let go of it. Do I really need it to remind me that she cares for me? When was the last time I even talked to her on the phone. Have I sent her a letter in the last few months? I want to know people. Not the things that remind me of them. I want conversations. I want to show love. I want to be part of life. I don't want to be surrounded by objects, I want to be surrounded by people. There will be things that I keep, but more in moderation. I want to find my true personality that God has crafted for me. This is my new adventure. Praise God for allowing us to seek Him out and to find that treasure that we all long for. A whole heart, a satisfied soul and a peaceful spirit. All because of Christ's sacrifice for us. I am not worthy of His affections and grace, but He gives them anyway. Tears well up and my heart overflows with the Holy Spirit.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
My life is none of my business. When we are focused on the small details of our lives, we get nervous and eventually fall. When we are focused on Christ, life flows along and we do not notice the rough parts because God is holding us. Here are some scriptures that help me to remember that I need to always adjust my focus: James 1:22-25 , Romans 12:2 , Romans 8:18 , Mark 9:50 , Colossians 3:1-2. There are many more but these are the few that I have been reading right now. It is not for MY glory, but for GOD's glory that I should do things. With that mind set, I will stay humble and not proud. I will not desire for attention or praise. My desire is for God to praise me and for His attention. To seek Him out and to proclaim His majesty to everyone.